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Physical Wellness (PE Class)

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Physical Wellness Classes

The Stanford Red Barn offers multiple Physical Wellness classes for students (undergraduate and graduate) through Axess. For more information on individual classes, please see below.

Horses in front of a barn lining up for class

PhysWell 65

PhysWell 65 is a 1.5 hour per week introductory-level class designed for riders with 10 hours or less of previous time in the saddle. In the class, students will learn the basics of riding and horsemanship. Emphasis is placed on safety and a proper understanding of equine communication and behavior both in and out of the saddle. There is an unmounted portion of the class focusing on how to safely halter, lead, groom, and tack the horse before and after riding. The mounted portion of the class focuses on teaching correct position while riding at the walk, proper use of the aids to communicate with the horse, and balance and strength-building exercises. English and Western styles of riding will be offered depending on demand, with an emphasis on Western riding as this can be the most intuitive style of riding for first-time riders. Basic terminology, balance and strength-building exercises, horsemanship anddeveloping a basic understanding of equine behavior is also examined at in this class.

PhysWell 65 is offered Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. To sign up, students should register on Axess when registration opens. This is a popular class, so please sign-up early.

Class fee: $500.00 as well as a $10 registration fee paid to Axess.

PhysWell 66

This class is open to riders who have completed PhysWell 65 with a passing grade or those who are comfortable at the walk, trot/jog, and grooming and tacking up a horse independently. Those who have not completed PhysWell 65 will need to take an assessment the first week of the quarter before acceptance into the course. This course will review the basics of horsemanship and provides the necessary foundation for riding. Topics that will be covered include: horsemanship and horse care, work at the walk, trot/jog, and the foundations of jumping. The class is 1.5-2 hours with time for grooming, horsemanship and riding.

PhysWell 66 is offered during the Spring Quarter. To sign up, students should register on Axess when registration opens. This is a popular class, so please sign-up early.

Class fee: $500.00 as well as a $10 registration fee paid to Axess.

How to Register for out Physical Wellness Classes

When class registration opens, students should sign-up for the class on Axess. The class time is listed with each class. An email with further details about the course will be sent by the first week of classes. All PhysWell classes begin on the second week of the quarter. You must attend the first class of the quarter to take the class. If you are not able to make it into the class, you can sign-up for the waitlist and/or come to the first class of the quarter. Instructors will offer any open spots to those in attendance at the first class. 

Questions: contact Tina Davey, by e-mail.
Those currently registered in PE 65 can pay below. Do not pay until your instructor has contacted you.